Click the button to Download MikuMikuDance for Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8! Released December 10th, 2019, MMD 9.32 represents the newest, latest version of MikuMikuDance.

Time of night : Support for brightness change of all stars.Time of night : Support for color change of all stars.Time of day : Support for more advanced settings (see Time of day.conf).Time of day : Improved Quality of cloud (preview).AtmosphericFog : Support for Better fog.Bloom : Support for larger range (preview).download blender_mmd_tools for addUV import/export. Materials : Occlusion maps can be fetched from the second UV set.Removed DepthMap tab and now cannot support the cast shadows on the skydome.Removed SphereFog, but you can put a light source in MMD and assign a fx from its 'fog.fx' to the FogMap tab.Added Support for volumetric (cube, sphere), they can be used to simulate the deep sea, because fog and water are the same as mie scattering (preview).Added SSAOVisibility tab, single subset of the model can now set its visibility for SSAO.Added MatCap/Sphere map support (see main_ex_with_sphmap.fx).(If you forget to do it, some specular highlighting will appear and looks like metal) All Changes:

Overwrite the old material_common_2.0.fxsub, and rewrite the Sky Hemisphere to fix a bug. Time of day : 添加了 SunPhase 和 SunTurbidity 表情.Wiki : Update wiki, but only chinese now, and not complete finished yet.Time of day : Add SunPhase+- and SunTurbidity+.Shadow : Optimize and improve the quality of sun shadow, It now has 4 tabs (PSSM1 - PSSM4).Material : Add some entries of NORMAL_XXXX in the main.fx.Material : Support for toon material, see CUSTOM_EANBLE.Material : Better Skin when occlusion map is used (preview).Material : Optimize and improve the gbuffer.Latest changes - Major allocator changes: StereoImage - v1.0.0 (zip) (updated: 2.Dec 2017, ) (New, Add support for dirt map) LightBloom - v1.1.1 (zip) (updated: 2.ColorGrading - v1.0.0 (zip) (updated: 2.