Best online auto repair manuals
Best online auto repair manuals

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Under the legal deposit program we aim to collect a copy of every published work created in Australia, and that includes things such as popular fiction, school annuals, gossip magazines, sheet music, telephone books, car manuals and more. You may think we are a research library full of academic literature and dense books with complicated titles on history and government stuff right? Well yes, but we have much more. The answer is yes, which surprises many people. One thing we regularly get asked, that can fit into both of these categories, is "does the Library collect car manuals?" Waikerie Motors - Ford service, ca. Sometimes we are asked questions where even the enquirer doesn't expect us to have an answer. Some ask about subjects and items that are unique and obscure, things that hold the interest of only a handful of people. Working as reference librarians in Australia's largest library we get enquiries about all sorts of things. Become a Friend of the National Library.

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National Library of Australia Publishing.Using the Library Expand Using the Library sub menu.Processing and describing our collections.Collections Expand Collections sub menu.

Best online auto repair manuals